Create a New Board


  1. Decide what record type you will base your new board on

  2. Decide which columns you want to have on the board (see point 6 below)

  3. Create a Saved Search (it is the search that decides which records you will see on the card)

    1. The search should be based on the same record type as the board is based on

    2. The search should include all fields you would like to show on the board card

    3. Sort the fields in the order you would like to show them on the card (you can always update the search later, but it's easier to do it directly)

    4. It is ok to use formula fields in the search, just make sure you give it a custom label

    5. Make sure that all fields in the search has unique labels, you can always use custom labels

    6. Status - Which column on the board the card ends up in depends on the value in one of the search fields.
      For instance, if you create a lead board and you want 2 columns "Unqualified" and "Qualified" then you need a field in the search that includes those values. In this case use the status field on the customer record in the search.

When you have done this preparation you can start creating your board.

Step 1 - Create your new Board

BOARD NAME - Name of your board

BASE RECORD TYPE - Chose the record type your board will be based on (should be the same record type as the search you prepared)


Give the search and the Board the same name. That will make it easier for you to know that the search and board belong together.

After you saved your new board, go to the record again in edit mode.

SEARCH - Now a search field is available, choose the search you prepared and save the record again.

When you save the board again, all fields from the search will be attached to the board under the tab Search Columns.

Each field has inherited the name from the search.