Phone Call Board


To handle your phone calls in a faster and more user friendly way, that allows the users to make more phone calls in less time, we recommend that you use the Phone Call Board.

Column Statuses

In the Phone Call Board we use 5 statuses to handle all phone calls

DUE -All scheduled phone calls that has passed phone call date.

TODAY- All phone calls that are scheduled with phone call date today.

TOMORROW - All phone calls that have a phone call date that are scheduled tomorrow.

WITHIN A WEEK- All phone calls that have a phone call date scheduled after tomorrow but within a week.

Allowed Moves

In the Phone Call board you are allowed to move to all columns exept DUE and COMPLETED.

  • DUE - you are not allowed to move to this status, all phone calls that are passed their phone call date, and are not completed, will end up here automatically

  • Today

    • > Tomorrow

    • > Within a Week

  • Tomorrow

    • < Today

    • > Within a Week

  • Within a Week -

    • < Tomorrow

    • < Today

  • Completed - The user can´t move to this status via the board. The user has to open a phone call and change the status to completed. This will give the user the possibility to write a comment and also schedule a follow up call.

Drop Actions

Phone Call Date- when you move the phone call to another column, the Phone Call Date will be updated

  • If moved to today, phone call date will be set to Today

  • If moved to tomorrow, phone call date will be set to Tomorrow

  • If moved to Within a Week, phone call date will be set to 7 days from now.


TITLE- Title from Phone Call (label hidden)
PHONE CALL DATE - Date when phone call is scheduled
START TIME - Time when phone call should take place
END DATE - When the phone call must be done
LAST MODIFIED - When was the phone call last updated
ORGANIZER - Person who owns the phone call
COMPANY - Company that will be called
COMPANY PHONE - Phone number to the company
CONTACT- Phone Number to the contact
MOBILE PHONE- Mobile phone number to the contact
OFFICE PHONE - Office phone number to the contact
IMAGE - Picture of organizer

Menu Options

View Phone Call- Opens the card in view mode
Edit Phone Call- Opens the card in edit mode
E-mail - Opens the standard email form so you can send the prospect an email using an email templates
New Event - Opens the calendar event so you can schedule a new meeting with the prospect
New Phone Call - Opens a phone call so you can schedule a new call with the prospect.
New Task - Opens the calendar task so you can schedule a task with the prospect
New Note - Write a note that gets attached to the Transaction
New Contact - Create a contact that is connected to the company
Create Opportunity - Create an opportunity connected to the company
Create Estimate - Create an estimate connected to the company
create Salesorder - Create a Sales order connected to the company


The KPI´s in the lead header shows the following metrics

  • Scheduled phone calls

  • Phone calls completed (this week)

Pre Requisites

No Pre Requisites