Task Board


Calendar Tasks are very useful to use as "To Do's", reminders to yourself or others of what to do. To be able to see these tasks in a Board gives you that extra visual overview and user experience. Is there any better feeling than moving a Task from in progress to Completed?

Column Statuses

In the Task Board we use the 3 standard statuses for tasks

NOT STARTED - All tasks that you have not started working on

IN PROGRESS - All the task you are currently working on

COMPLETED - All task that you have completed

Allowed Moves

In the Task board there are no restrictions on how you can move the cards.

Drop Actions

Status - when you move the task to another column, the status of the task will change to the same status as the column.


TITLE - Title from Task (label hidden)
COMMENT - Message field from task . The field is editable direct on the card.
PRIORITY - Shows the priority for the task
ASSIGNED TO - Assigned person
COMPANY- Link to customer that is connected to the task
CONTACT - Link to Contact person that is connected to the task
TRANSACTION - Linkt to transaction that is connected to the task
START DATE- Date when you should start working on the task
DUE DATE - Date when the task should be completed

IMAGE - Picture of assigned person

Menu Options

View Task- Opens the card in view mode
Edit Task- Opens the card in edit mode
New Note - Write a note that gets attached to the Task
E-mail - Opens the standard email form so you can send the company or contact attached to the task an email using an email templates


The KPI´s in the lead header shows the following metrics

  • Open Tasks - all ongoing tasks

  • Passed Due Date - All open tasks that passed due date

Pre Requisites

No Pre Requisites